Hi, I’m Craig, I am the founder of Celestial which is the authentic representation of myself. I will be your chauffeur and energetic channel for our work together. I work individually one on one and with groups as large as 24 at this time. When we work together we create an experience for your body, the experience your body needs energetically in the moment. I bring a tool box of modalities to each session to allow the flow of work to determine the tools that best serve the purpose in each moment. We can work in person or even remotely so distance is not an issue as energy doesn’t conform to time or distance as we have created in the human construct.
How do we work together?
Our goal is to raise your body's frequency one vibration at a time to bring it in tune to the highest good of the moment. We will use tools such as oils, pendulums, sound bowls, tuning forks, tarot or oracle cards, and smudging to clear, open and hold space for the work we do together. Energetically we will tap into Reiki, Quantum Touch, Therapeutic Touch, Shamanism and Munay-Ki along with deeper levels of energy that I don’t have words to describe for the journey we will take.
I would be honored to join you on your journey to raising your body's frequency. I admire those that are looking to explore what lies outside of the objects we can touch, feel, smell, and see in the physical space.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.